Click Here for the Weekly PTO Newsletter!

Click here for the weekly PTO newsletter!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Country Meadows Students - 
Do you want a warm and fuzzy feeling? Well we have something for you! There is a way to fill your bucket and someone else’s bucket! You can buy a Valentine’s Mailgram and send it to a friend of yours. Starting on Monday, February 4th, the PRO PATROL will sell Valentine Mailgrams in the morning when you get off the bus. Come to the cafeteria to buy them! If you don’t get to school in time, don’t worry! The PRO PATROL will come to your classroom and sell them too! Your teacher will tell you what day the post office will visit! Each mailgram is $0.50. The money will be donated to a very special charity. Attached to the mailgrams will be a surprise! These will be delivered on Valentine’s Day! So… save up your money, fill a bucket, and buy some mailgrams to support a great cause! 

Parents of 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders!

Dear Parents of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders:

     We have a busy week planned for your students during PE next week!  Our Jump Rope for Heart event has been scheduled for Monday, March 11th from 3:00-4:00. We will be discussing the specifics of the event during PE on Monday, and providing a parent letter, permission slip, and collection envelope to those students interested in participating.  Please understand your student is not required to participate in the Jump Rope for Heart.  Further, your child may choose to enjoy the excitement of the Jump Rope for Heart event merely for fun and fitness, and decide not to collect donations!

     On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week we will be teaching our Human Growth and Development unit.  This unit is designed to provide age-appropriate information regarding human growth to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.  The program has a very smooth progression from 3rd-5th grades, highlighting the maturation process of plants, animals, and human beings over the course of the curriculum.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns :)

                                             Thank you!!  Mrs. Nihill and Mrs. Smith

Individual forms: JRFH PARENT LETTER   JRFH PARENT LETTER-(Spanish) 

Cold Weather Thoughts!

Wow - it was quite cold out this week!  I just wanted to share the information with you in our Parent/Student Handbook about our daily recess - provided this cold spell does not end soon!  Thank you for bundling your kiddos up.  We know the cold can be quite biting when waiting for the bus outside.  

Recess Information:  
Weather permitting, students go outside for recess every day. In winter the temperature and wind chill and weather conditions will be monitored throughout the morning. The weather website and playground will be checked and outside supervisors consulted to determine whether conditions are appropriate for children's outdoor recess. When the temperature or wind chill is below zero degrees, students will be kept inside for recess. When the temperature or wind chill is 0–10 degrees, students may go outside for a shortened recess period. If a student has a doctor's note or a medical condition, he or she may stay inside in the building office for recess. 

Reminder about Valentine's Day

Please look at teacher’s newsletters for class specific guidelines about sending Valentine’s to school.  Many families choose to send a small card to school for each child in the class.  Most of the time, these do not include a small gift like candy or a trinket. 
Even though it is not expected, if you choose to include an item with your child's valentine, please note that only non-food items are permissible.  This practice is consistent for all classrooms in District 96 elementary schools including Willow Grove.

Candy, snacks, or any sort of food item will be sent back home with your child on Valentine's Day if sent to school.  Non-food items are permitted, and there are many pre-packaged Valentines that can be purchased that include a trinket (i.e., pencil, erasers, book mark, etc.).  Card and party stores or stores with a birthday party aisle (i.e., Target) are a great place to look for these types of items.  Here are some ideas of non-food items if you choose to include something:

  bubble wands
  plastic or rubber figurines
  capsules that become figures when placed in water
  mini deck of cards
  spinning top
  crazy straws

Nearly 25% of our Country Meadows student body has medically based dietary restrictions and this does not include students on specific diets of family choice (i.e., vegetarian, low cal/sugar, religious, etc.) Monitoring individual needs and requests is not feasible, thus not safe. In addition it is frequently reported that several children eat Valentine's treats on the bus, as evidenced by an abundance of wrappers found.  This poses a choking risk, as well as exposure for students with specific health restrictions.  

Thank you for your support and cooperation.  If you have any questions, please ask!  

Who is Your Child's District 96 Champion?

A call for Foundation Crystal Apple nominationsDo you know someone who exemplifies the best of District 96? Nominate him or her for 2013 Crystal Apple recognition–an honored tradition in District 96 since 1998! ONLINE NOMINATIONS are now open for submission through Fri., Feb. 8, at

K.I.D.S. Grants!

The District 96 Foundation proudly sponsors K.I.D.S. Grants (Kids Initiating a Difference in Schools), a grant program for our students. K.I.D.S. grants provide an opportunity for students to put their ideas into action to help fellow students make their classroom and school a better place to learn.

The maximum grant amount is $300. The deadline to complete the ONLINE APPLICATION is Fri., Feb. 1, 2013. The Foundation Prize Patrol will be out and about to surprise the winners in February. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

MAP Testing Next Week

MAP testing:  Fall, Winter, and Spring for all!  What exactly does that mean? 

Specific dates and testing times are available through your classroom teacher.  The assessing will begin on January 22, 2013.  There will be a short make-up window if your child is absent during the assessment.

We are in the midst of using NWEA’s Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) to gauge each student’s current level of performance in the areas of reading and math.  This is a multifaceted, computer-based assessment that pinpoints each child’s ability.  The assessment becomes increasingly more challenging as students respond correctly and simplifies when students respond incorrectly.  The exactness of this assessment gives the educators at Country Meadows valuable information about each student.

We look at each student’s overall RIT score in reading and math to measure progress.  This fall score was a benchmark to which we measure your student’s growth.  The MAP assessment will give us a projected score for each student to achieve by spring.  The goal is for each student to make at least one year’s worth of growth by hitting the projected target that the assessment provides.  Our winter assessment will provide us with valuable information about the academic growth that each student is making so teachers can continue to challenge all students. 

We will meet or exceed each student’s targeted growth by analyzing strengths and weaknesses that are identified by the assessment.  Score reports will detail categories in which students are excelling and need more support, in both reading and math.  

The most exciting part of the assessment is watching students challenge themselves.  Since each student receives a growth target that is unique to his or her academic achievement, each student is working to his or her own goal.  Students are thrilled when they work hard and as a result, see the RIT score soar!  Yet, the assessment will give us comparative information as well.  A national percentile is provided in both reading and math for each child.  This percentile tells us our students’ performance relative to other students in the nation. 

As this assessment is completed and score reports are analyzed, you will be provided with information about your student.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about the assessment, how it is administered, and how the information is used, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

K.I.D.S. Mini-Grants!

K.I.D.S. Mini-Grants: Does your student have a novel idea that will help classmates learn?
The District 96 Foundation is now accepting applications from students for K.I.D.S. Mini-Grant Program (Kids Initiating aDifference in School). Read details and complete the online form found at Don’t delay–the deadline for accepting applications is Fri., Feb. 1. Winners are acknowledged by the foundation prize patrol who will be out and about February 28th and March 1st. Questions? Call the public info coordinator at 847.459.4260, ext. 7722.

Parents of 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Beginning on February 4th our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be participating in an in-house skating program during their physical education classes.  The skates will be delivered directly to the school and used inside our gymnasium.  This equipment is specifically intended for indoor use and will not damage our floor.

This skating unit is being implemented because of its emphasis as a “Lifetime Activity”.  Skating provides a variety of benefits, which include balance, coordination, motor skills, and a top rated cardio-respiratory workout.

Our PTO has been most generous in funding this program for our children in which they will learn basic skating skills such as starting, stopping, forward skating, backward skating, cornering, and a number of safety tips for being a smart skater.

 The company providing the skates will also be providing all safety equipment, including helmets, knee and elbow pads and wrists guards. Since all classes share helmets, we will be providing bandanas for use under them, however, it would help us out and save time, if your child would either bring his/her own helmet or baseball cap to wear under the helmet.  Also, if your child has their own safety equipment and you would feel better having them wear it, please feel free to send it along with them.

And, once again, thank you to our PTO for providing this VERY FUN unit for our students.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nihill

Flu Information

Parents -

The Flu Bug has been going around.  Check out this resource with great information.

Who is Your Child's Champion?

A call for Crystal Apple nominations
Do you know someone who exemplifies the best of District 96? Nominate him or her for 2013 Crystal Apple recognition–an honored tradition in District 96 since 1998! ONLINE NOMINATIONS
 are now open for submission through Feb. 8, 2013, at

Be sure to save the date for the Annual Recognition Dinner: March 15, 2013, at The Arboretum Club, 401 Half Day Rd., Buffalo Grove 

Evolving Role of Coaches

How does District 96 use coaches in the classroom to build our teachers' capacity to implement best practices and extend learning for our students? On Jan. 8, the District 96 Board of Education heard a presentation by Director of Professional Development Jeanne Spiller and District faculty on the EVOLVING ROLE OF COACHES and the positive difference that coaches are making.  Check out the link to view this presentation complete with video clips!  

Friday, January 11, 2013

Please check out the PTO Newsletter!

Do you read it weekly for information about fun events for kids?  Check it out here.

Mark your calendar for this upcoming District 96 SEL program for parents:

Working well with others, demonstrating empathy, managing emotions, making positive choices–these are essential life skills for success in the workplace and the world. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) addresses helping students build these important skills.

• How is District 96 implementing social and emotional learning? What does SEL look like in D96 elementary and middle school classrooms?

Please plan to attend the SEL parent program on Tues., Jan. 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mat Room at Ivy Hall School, 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove. Staff will discuss the influence of SEL in their classrooms and Student Services DirectorKimberly Dahlem and Assistant Student Services Director Kim Lechner will explain district wide SEL goals.

Congratulations to our Grant Winner!

A Country Meadows staff member is a recipient of the 2013 Staff Innovative Grant Awards’ program sponsored by the District 96 Foundation. This year’s initiative was created to recognize those applicants whose projects concretely displayed innovation. Country Meadow’s winner was among twelve finalists whose ideas not only exemplified professional commitment to excellence in learning, but captured novel methods and/or technologies to elevate and advance student performance. Congratulations Robert Hanrahan for “News & Radio Station Technology Wizards!” If you wish to find out more about his winning project, stop by the display in the main office.

Valentine's Day

Please look at teacher’s newsletters for class specific guidelines about sending Valentine’s to school.  Many families choose to send a small card to school for each child in the class.  Most of the time, these do not include a small gift like candy or a trinket. 
Even though it is not expected, if you choose to include an item with your child's valentine, please note that only non-food items are permissible.  This practice is consistent for all classrooms in District 96 elementary schools including Willow Grove.

Candy, snacks, or any sort of food item will be sent back home with your child on Valentine's Day if sent to school.  Non-food items are permitted, and there are many pre-packaged Valentines that can be purchased that include a trinket (i.e., pencil, erasers, book mark, etc.).  Card and party stores or stores with a birthday party aisle (i.e., Target) are a great place to look for these types of items.  Here are some ideas of non-food items if you choose to include something:

  bubble wands
  plastic or rubber figurines
  capsules that become figures when placed in water
  mini deck of cards
  spinning top
  crazy straws

Nearly 25% of our Country Meadows student body has medically based dietary restrictions and this does not include students on specific diets of family choice (i.e., vegetarian, low cal/sugar, religious, etc.) Monitoring individual needs and requests is not feasible, thus not safe. In addition it is frequently reported that several children eat Valentine's treats on the bus, as evidenced by an abundance of wrappers found.  This poses a choking risk, as well as exposure for students with specific health restrictions.  

Thank you for your support and cooperation.  If you have any questions, please ask!  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Parents of 1st and 2nd Graders

Dear Parents of 1st and 2nd graders:

We will be having an Inaugural Ball during PE on Friday, January 18, 2013.  Please remind your students to dress up for this special event!!  In fact, gym shoes are not required, because fancy shoes so make the outfit!  That said, if your student is in Mrs. Larson’s class he/she will need gym shoes to participate in a regular PE class, complete with running and games, after the ball!  Thank you for your support; it will be so fun!!  Mrs. Nihill and Mrs. Smith