Click Here for the Weekly PTO Newsletter!

Click here for the weekly PTO newsletter!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Have an amazing winter break!

We cannot wait to see you in 2012.  The entire staff at Country Meadows
wishes your family a wonderful time together.  We love when the students come back
with so many stories about the rest, relaxation, and fabulous times with 
family and friends.  We plan to make this time together memorable and hope you do too!

Happy Holidays-

The Country Meadows Staff

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mark your calendars!

4th Grade Parents are invited to math night on January 11th from 7pm until 8pm at Prairie School.  Click on this link for more information:  PARENTS OF 4TH-GRADERS MATH NIGHT

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 8th

Sneak Peek
Enjoy this sneak peek of our upcoming music concert!  We hope that you can come even if you do not have a 4th or 5th grader.  The first video highlights our students using green screen technology! At the concert, you'll also see student created digital back-drops such as the second example below.  It is truly going to be amazing.  We hope to see you on Wednesday Night starting at 6:30pm!

Reminder about the iLab...
Students continue to master learning targets through creative technology!  Make sure you ask your student about his/her time in the iLab.  Below, you see examples of student work completed in the iLab.  Have your student take a look to see if it is his or hers!  We are so proud to showcase the integration of technology, literacy, and science or social studies.  

What’s in the iLab?
Through the generous donation from the PTO, the iLab is equipped with 14 new iPad2s and cases for protection.  Through District 96 funds, we have added 10 laptop computers and 9 iPod Touches.  Students will also be using an LCD projector complete with an interactive whiteboard.  We also have access to various cameras for still and video images.  We have added a green screen!  The iLab is located in the center of the building, in front of the Learning Resource Center, also known as the former computer lab. 

How will the ilab be used?
Mrs. Angel (Information Communication Technology Literacy Director) and Mr. Hanrahan (Technology Integration Specialist) are working in tandem to enhance our students’ learning through this experience.  Both are familiar with each grade levels’ targets that are being instructed in literacy, science, and social studies.  Mrs. Angel works with these targets during Learning Resource instruction. During this time, she provides a heavy emphasis on navigating informational text integrating science and social studies targets, research, and project creation for communication purposes.  Using various technologies, students begin work with Mrs. Angel and then continue this workshop during their time in the iLab, which can also expand to the classroom.  Mr. Hanrahan provides creative support to teachers in implementing this technology  in classrooms.  Ask your child about having worked with Mr. Hanrahan.  

All in all, the students will spend this time each work acquiring 21st Century Learning Skills and continue a rigorous acquisition of science and social studies targets.  The iLab is also a space that classroom teachers can bring students to work.  Further, all of this technology is available for teachers to check-out to use in the classroom as a tool as well.  Continue to ask your student about using these tools as the school year continues. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Kathy Angel, Bob Hanrahan or me (Katie Schneider)! 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday, December 2nd - WOW, I can't believe it's December!

Hi Families - 

The first light snow indicates that winter is truly, officially here!  Stay warm and please remember that the students go outside for recess each day.  As this year has progressed, I have tried different formats for including information in this blog from bullets to narratives and mid-week postings.  Thank you for your feedback in giving me ideas about what works best for you.   For this week, here are some highlights of the week:
  • See below for the schedule of performances tonight at Barnes and Noble in Lincolnshire.
  • Today was Dessert Day - YUM!  
  • If you missed the report card night hosted by the district and still have questions, click here for the Report Card Podcast complete with teacher testimonial.
  • Superintendent of Schools, Julie Schmidt, visited with us this week.  She attended music class this week, our staff meeting on Tuesday, and spent informal time with staff today.  We love that she is so connected to the amazing things happening at Country Meadows.  
  • All classrooms received wonderful notes from me about the fabulous learning that has been occurring.  Ask your child about my visit this week!  From preparing for the 4th and 5th grade musical in art and music, to bowling in gym, and including great learning in the classrooms, it's been an amazing week watching the students work.
  • Lisa Zimmerman, our math specialist, hosted a math night for our parents to practice our 2nd grade focus algorithms as well as give advice about supporting math learning at home.  Click here for the  presentation.
We loved seeing you at conferences to discuss your child's amazing progress!  Thank you again for attending.  

See you soon!

Katie Schneider

Monday, November 21, 2011

Important Announcement and Clarification

Music Announcement:
Oops! Correct to a note sent home to 2nd graders about the Barnes and Noble Book fair Performance:
The date for the concert should be Friday, December 2nd. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mr. Rathgeber

Barnes and Noble PTO Book Fair Performances:
Come out to the Lincolnshire Barnes and Noble on Friday, December 2nd for a special performance by every grade at CM! The Barnes and Noble PTO Book Fair is such a fun time every year and the performance has become highly anticipated and enjoyed event for students, families, and staff! Please take a look below for the complete schedule. We hope to see you on the December 2nd!
1st Grade: Arrive by 6:15
Performance at 6:30
2nd Grade: Arrive by 6:30
Performance at 6:45
3rd Grade: Arrive by 6:45
Performance at 7:00
4th & 5th Grades: Arrive by 7:00
Performance at 7:20
CM Singers: Arrive by 7:00
Performance at 7:40

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

  • ·      Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!  At Country Meadows, we are so thankful for so much!  We are honored to work with such amazing students, parents, and colleagues.  

  • ·      Before Thanksgiving comes, take some time to review your child's report card and participate in Parent-Teacher conferences.  

  • ·      Thank you for a wonderful Family Reading Night!  Reading really took us places.  It was so fun to see so many of you have a great time last night! 

A message from Paul Louis - Director of Curriculum and Assessment

Dear Parents,
As you know, our first Trimester Report Cards go home today for students in grades 1-5.  Our Kindergarten Report Cards are being provided to you during your scheduled Parent/Teacher Conference.  We are very pleased to share our newly developed standards based report cards with you as we believe that they clearly communicate student achievement of grade level specific learning targets and student work habits.   We have worked hard over the last weeks and months to prepare for these new report cards.  Our teachers have been amazing throughout this entire process from gathering information about each of the learning targets listed on the report card and building consistency across their grade level to learning the new process of inputting grades into the program.  

Please understand that with any new system, we may find a few glitches or issues during this first round of Report Cards.  Some we may not have been able to anticipate until the entire process was completed.  We will work hard to correct or improve any of the issues over the coming months and into next year.  We appreciate your patience and understanding through this process.  Please feel free to direct any questions comments to your building principal or to me directly (  Please remember to fill out the Parent/Teacher Conference Evaluation Form provided to you during your conferences.  Your feedback will be used as we continue to make improvements to the system.

Paul Louis
Director of Curriculum and Assessment

Report Cards go home today!  This is a link to a presentation that will help you with the report card.  Check it out!  A podcast will be available soon too! UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHILD'S ELEMENTARY REPORT CARD

Conferences will be on November 21st ad 22nd
We are so eager to prepare for conferences to discuss your child’s achievement thus far in the school year.  Our teachers are thrilled to invite you into the classroom and share examples of your child’s success during Parent-Teacher conferences (November 21st and 22nd).  These meetings will be held for 15 minutes so we can make sure that each family has the opportunity to discuss student performance.  Look for your specific appointment time and date in a note from your child’s classroom teacher. 

I would love to see you at conferences as well!  Feel free to call the school to set-up an appointment.  Also, if you wish, find time to stop by the gym and preview the materials that will be used for upcoming units on Human Growth and Development

Click here for more information: 

Friday, November 11, 2011


Family Reading Night is November 17th starting from 7 – 8 pm!  We cannot wait to see you there! 

Report Cards Go Home on Friday, November 18, 2011.  This is a link to the presentation from Wednesday night.  Check it out!  A podcast will be available soon too! UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHILD'S ELEMENTARY REPORT CARD

Conferences will be on November 21st ad 22nd
We are so eager to prepare for conferences to discuss your child’s achievement thus far in the school year.  Our teachers are thrilled to invite you into the classroom and share examples of your child’s success during Parent-Teacher conferences (November 21st and 22nd).  These meetings will be held for 15 minutes so we can make sure that each family has the opportunity to discuss student performance.  Look for your specific appointment time and date in a note from your child’s classroom teacher. 

I would love to see you at conferences as well!  Feel free to call the school to set-up an appointment.  Also, if you wish, find time to stop by the gym and preview the materials that will be used for upcoming units on Human Growth and Development
Click here for more information: 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey about informational opportunities at CM !  Click here for the survey. 
Further, District 96 will be hosting three additional informational parent night this school year.  This Wednesday, we discussed the new elementary report card.  This year, we will also be hosting the following presentations:  The Common Core and Standards Based at the Middle School Level, 21st Century Learning Skills, and Social Emotional Learning.  Be on the lookout for the dates so you can mark you calendars.  For more information about the District 96 Curriculum, click here. 

Email your PTO room parent -
The PTO Room Parents are looking for you to get in touch with the Room Parent to your classroom.  If you are interested in sharing your contact information, you can find the list of emails here. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Party, Party, Party -

Thank you so much for wonderful Halloween Parties this week!  Students had a wonderful time making crafts and playing games!  We really appreciate your adherence to the District 96 Safe Snack List to make sure students are kept safe while at school.  Prior to the parties, the students paraded through the whole school stopping in every classroom to see friends and share costumes.  They had a great time!  There were a million smiles that afternoon!  We hope that you enjoy some picture below from Jan Kahlben. 

While we are talking about parties, I would also like to mention some information regarding birthday party invitations.  According to the Parent Student Handbook: 

2.5-b Distribution of Party Invitations. Out of courtesy to others, please do not send out-of-school party invitations for distribution at school. Children who do not receive invitations naturally feel hurt.  This can be eliminated by mailing invitations, telephoning, or delivering the invitations by hand.
Brrrr…It’s Getting Cold Out There –

Please make sure your child is coming to school dressed warm enough to stand at the bus stop and go outside for recess at lunch.  We do go outside for recess nearly every day.  The following language is from the Student Handbook: 

The children have outdoor recess during each school day except in the most inclement weather; therefore, the children’s outdoor clothing should be appropriate for the weather that day.  Weather permitting, students go outside for recess every day. In winter the temperature and wind chill and weather conditions will be monitored throughout the morning. The weather Website and playground will be checked and outside supervisors consulted to determine whether conditions are appropriate for children's outdoor recess. When the temperature or wind chill is below zero degrees, students will be kept inside for recess. When the temperature or wind chill is 0–10 degrees, students may go outside for a shortened recess period. If a student has a doctor's note or a medical condition, he or she may stay inside in the building office for recess.

Determination of whether children will have outdoor recess will be made prior to each recess period, based on the weather at that moment and in the judgment of the principal or his or her designee.  Any request for prolonged indoor recess MUST come from the child’s physician.

During the month of October, the following students were celebrated as PRO Paw Winners of the month! 

GRADE 1:                                               GRADE 2:
Dylan Ekrote                                          Bryson Bello
Megan Fox                                            Mia Contreras
Santiago Gonzalez                             Alex Galaviz
Haylie Popkey                                      Muhammad Junaid
Hannah Robertson                             Sonia Nieves

GRADE 3:                                               GRADE 4:
Alyssa Bende                                        Robbie Barreca
Zander Bush                                          Jacob Borowczak
Emily Hernanadez                               Lupita Jacobo
Lucas Hwang                                       Daisy Martinez
Kayla Koppe                                         Mia Nimmagadda
Sammy Maya                                      Aditya Perswal
Serena Mehta                                      Jayden Popkey
Anthony Spina                                     Daniel Sukhavitski
                                                                 Alyssa Smith

Arianna Argomaniz
Denna Baniassad
Connor Maynard
Rafay Noor
Ed Salgado

The District 96 Foundation was established for the purpose of raising monies to benefit the schools of District 96.  The Foundation encourages innovation and creativity to enhance the children’s learning experience!  The Foundation is looking for volunteers to serve on the following committees: 
  • District 96 FoundationScholarship (first meeting December 8, 2011)
  • Capital Campaign
  • Golf Outing (August 6, 2012)
  • Recognition Dinner (January 20, 2012)

If you are interested in participating please contact me or the Foundation President, Wright Chase–President ( 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hi Country Meadows Families!  

There are no words to describe how heavy our jar of change was today!  WOW!  We are really cheering for change at Country Meadows today!  There will be many more pictures to come, however, here are a few to celebrate the creativity of student and staff at school today!  Thank you to the talents of Mrs. Janet Kahlben!    

Halloween - 
We are so excited for Halloween on Monday!  Please take a few minutes to review our plans for costume, parades, and parties, OH MY!  (You'll find this below in previous blogs)

 If you are a PTO volunteer that is planning the room party, please make sure that you adhere to the safe snack list and please stay away from activities that could spread germs.  We really appreciate your support in making sure our students are safe and healthy at school.  Monday will, no doubt, be a ton of fun!  

Assessment and Report Cards - 
One last reminder to attend the November 9th presentation entitiled, "Understanding Your Child's Report Card," held for the entire district at Prairie school.  We will be sharing information about our assessment practices as well how to understand the actual report card.  We cannot wait to see you there!  

Family Reading Night -
Join us for this annual tradition on November 17th at 7pm!  We cannot wait for you to participate in reading activities with your child!  

2nd Grade Parents - 
Please mark your calendars for math night on November 30th!  This is an opportunity hosted by our math specialist, Lisa Zimmerman.  She will guide you to explore the algorithms that your student learns in school.  This is a great way to learn how to support your student with math homework.  The specific time will soon be published!  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Important Information to note:
  • On October 28th, Country Meadows will be hosting a HAT DAY (after re-takes, of course).  If a students wishes to wear a hat to school, we are “cheering for change.”  If a student brings spare change to school (in any denomination) he/she will be able to wear a hat in school all day long!  The change will be donate to a fund called “Cubs of Country Meadows” which supports students and families in a time of need.  Thank you so much for your contributions! 
  • Many parents have asked about ways to donate to our school community.  The staff at Country Meadows has put together a fund “Cubs of Country Meadows” in order to support our students.  Most recently, we were able to purchase about $500 worth of books at the book fair for students that may not have otherwise been able to participate.  A huge THANK YOU to so many wonderful staff and parents that have shown us the power of “paying it forward.”  I have never seen smiles so big and kids so excited to pick and receive a book.  Being able to provide these opportunities to students is a true gift and we cannot thank you enough!  If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Cheryl Kelly, Deb Stanton, or me and we will absolutely help you do that! 

Here are some of the wonderful comments our visitors left with us!
Each month, District 96 hosts visiting educators to learn about our practices.  Last year, Country Meadows even hosted visitors from Canada!  On Wednesday, we hosted about 25 visitors from Sycamore School District.  They are working to model our practices in providing what is best for students at all times.  Our visitors left wonderful notes for our staff about the amazing, well rounded education we are providing.  I cannot possibly be more proud of this staff and parent community so I thought I’d share their remarks with you! 

     Visually engaging classrooms with explicit expectations!

     We love that you teach to extend when students have met!

     The students could tell us what they were working on--and explain it!

     All staff very positive and professional - strong leadership among all staff!

     Using google docs is a wonderful way to collaborate.

     I found it to be so helpful that collaboration occurs between all staff members!  All are involved and enthusiastic -- way to go team!

     Your school is beautiful!  Everyone from staff to students was very nice!  Thank you for answering all of our questions.

     Team leaders and principal were excellent hosts, flexible, answered and addressed lots of questions and shared extensive info.  Exemplary leaders!

     You have the nicest, most welcoming teachers - everyone was inviting warm and helpful!

     Student engagement is very high.  

     The evidence of rigor is amazing!  

     Hanging student learning targets on wall helps students to focus on learning. 

     There are many common building initiatives evident and in practice like PRO and Social Thinking.  

     We saw so much evidence of collaboration and there is no doubt that student learning takes priority.  

     Country Meadows has such a positive climate! 

     We were impressed that all adults have ID from parents to all staff are wearing ID badges.

     WOW!  The children are very well behaved.  Great rapport between children and teachers.

     It was obvious the children respect learning and are in tune with the teachers.

     I loved to see the Daily 5 so prevalent in every classroom.  

    Great staff and kids.

    Great day of learning!

Halloween is coming! 
On October 31st, each classroom will have a Halloween Celebration as well as participate in a Halloween Parade.  Students are so excited to celebrate.  I love hearing about the costumes they have planned.  We are planning for beautiful weather and genuinely hope that everyone has a safe and healthy Halloween that weekend. 

Parade -
Our parade will begin around 1:30pm inside school for students. Weather permitting, we’ll parade outside the building and parents/families are welcome to watch IN THE FRONT PARKING LOT.  The kids will be able to see each other’s costumes during an indoor parade before we parade outside. We did this last year and it was really fun for everyone.  The parade should be outside around 1:45pm. 

If the weather doesn’t cooperate, the students will parade inside the building for each other and, for obvious security reasons, an indoor parade will be for STAFF AND STUDENTS ONLY.

Parties -
The parties will begin just after the parade, which will be around 2:00, and are for students only.  The PTO has generously arranged for a determined committee of parents to put together activities for the students that afternoon.  The party is for the students in the classroom only.  Additional family members will not be permitted to attend even if a parent is helping to throw the party. 

If you are a party planner, please refer to the safe snack list on our website to make sure we are keeping everyone safe.  Also, if you are a party planner arranged by the PTO, please make sure you are identified in the office and wear your nametag at all times while in the building. 

As you being planning to create at home or costume shop for the perfect ensemble, here are the costume expectations so we can make sure that we have a wonderful pre-celebration that afternoon at Country Meadows!

Students should bring costumes for the parade to school but costumes are not to be worn to school.  The costume should be “kid friendly” so that each child may change into the costume independently after lunch.  It’s recommended that students put costumes on over their clothes so they are changed quickly in their classrooms and do not need to fully change. 

ANY HAIR COLOR OR MAKEUP MUST BE APPLIED BEFORE COMING TO SCHOOL…and we’d hope that if you do add color to hair or faces, it’s simple and does not distract anyone from learning for the day.  Do not allow your child to bring make-up or hair color to school.

Costumes should be “kid friendly” in their content, too.  NO MASKS, WEAPONS (real or fake!), BLOOD, SUPER SCARINESS, OR GENERAL ICKINESS should be a part of a costume.  Also, we assume all costumes will follow our school dress code so NO BARE TUMMIES, please.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!  

From the PTO
Thank you so much to all parents for a successful Ice Cream Social, Cookie Dough Sale, and Book Fair.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated as it it enables the PTO to be able to do wonderful things for students! Thank you sincerely for participating and contributing!  Click here for an update from the PTO.