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Click here for the weekly PTO newsletter!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Party, Party, Party -

Thank you so much for wonderful Halloween Parties this week!  Students had a wonderful time making crafts and playing games!  We really appreciate your adherence to the District 96 Safe Snack List to make sure students are kept safe while at school.  Prior to the parties, the students paraded through the whole school stopping in every classroom to see friends and share costumes.  They had a great time!  There were a million smiles that afternoon!  We hope that you enjoy some picture below from Jan Kahlben. 

While we are talking about parties, I would also like to mention some information regarding birthday party invitations.  According to the Parent Student Handbook: 

2.5-b Distribution of Party Invitations. Out of courtesy to others, please do not send out-of-school party invitations for distribution at school. Children who do not receive invitations naturally feel hurt.  This can be eliminated by mailing invitations, telephoning, or delivering the invitations by hand.
Brrrr…It’s Getting Cold Out There –

Please make sure your child is coming to school dressed warm enough to stand at the bus stop and go outside for recess at lunch.  We do go outside for recess nearly every day.  The following language is from the Student Handbook: 

The children have outdoor recess during each school day except in the most inclement weather; therefore, the children’s outdoor clothing should be appropriate for the weather that day.  Weather permitting, students go outside for recess every day. In winter the temperature and wind chill and weather conditions will be monitored throughout the morning. The weather Website and playground will be checked and outside supervisors consulted to determine whether conditions are appropriate for children's outdoor recess. When the temperature or wind chill is below zero degrees, students will be kept inside for recess. When the temperature or wind chill is 0–10 degrees, students may go outside for a shortened recess period. If a student has a doctor's note or a medical condition, he or she may stay inside in the building office for recess.

Determination of whether children will have outdoor recess will be made prior to each recess period, based on the weather at that moment and in the judgment of the principal or his or her designee.  Any request for prolonged indoor recess MUST come from the child’s physician.

During the month of October, the following students were celebrated as PRO Paw Winners of the month! 

GRADE 1:                                               GRADE 2:
Dylan Ekrote                                          Bryson Bello
Megan Fox                                            Mia Contreras
Santiago Gonzalez                             Alex Galaviz
Haylie Popkey                                      Muhammad Junaid
Hannah Robertson                             Sonia Nieves

GRADE 3:                                               GRADE 4:
Alyssa Bende                                        Robbie Barreca
Zander Bush                                          Jacob Borowczak
Emily Hernanadez                               Lupita Jacobo
Lucas Hwang                                       Daisy Martinez
Kayla Koppe                                         Mia Nimmagadda
Sammy Maya                                      Aditya Perswal
Serena Mehta                                      Jayden Popkey
Anthony Spina                                     Daniel Sukhavitski
                                                                 Alyssa Smith

Arianna Argomaniz
Denna Baniassad
Connor Maynard
Rafay Noor
Ed Salgado

The District 96 Foundation was established for the purpose of raising monies to benefit the schools of District 96.  The Foundation encourages innovation and creativity to enhance the children’s learning experience!  The Foundation is looking for volunteers to serve on the following committees: 
  • District 96 FoundationScholarship (first meeting December 8, 2011)
  • Capital Campaign
  • Golf Outing (August 6, 2012)
  • Recognition Dinner (January 20, 2012)

If you are interested in participating please contact me or the Foundation President, Wright Chase–President (