Welcome Back to the Best School Year Ever!
Click here for information from the Country Meadows' PTO! Also, please attend the first PTO Meeting on September 14, 2011 at 10:00am. *Note the time change.
Highlights from the Week around Country Meadows:
Ask your child about...
- The pep rally in the gym on the first day of school complete with an appearance from Courtesy Cub and the whole school singing the school song!
- The new Peaceful Playground painted on the blacktop for recess!
- New faces in specials, we are welcoming Kathy Angel from Prairie School to the Learning Center and Liv (Sanders) Grossman to art.
- The splash of color in the hallways, we've added some blue to the walls.
- A wonderful first week of school with lots of excited learners!
Curriculum Night is Wednesday, August 31st:
- 1st Grade Parents and New Families are invited to the cafeteria at 6:15pm to meet the staff and learn about Country Meadows.
- From 6:45-7:15pm, 1st and 2nd Grade Families are invited to meet in the classrooms to learn about procedures and curriculum.
- From 7:15-7:45pm, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Families are invited to meet in the classrooms to learn about procedures and curriculum.
- At 6:45pm and again at 7:15pm, I will be sharing information about our District Goals in the cafeteria. This presentation will also be in the form of a podcast and posted in this blog on Monday as I understand families might need to visit multiple grade levels.
New Parent Review Members are Sought for the 2011-2012 school year:
- Parent Review Committee members review and offer feedback on curricular and instructional innovations, initiatives, policies, programs, topics required by school board policy or school code, and assist with the preparation of the district calendar.
- Parent Review members have shared that they become well informed regarding our school district.
- The role of parent review members include being active participants by sharing opinions, questions, suggestions, and feedback in positive ways, act as district ambassadors to promote the district in the community, direct other parents to the appropriate district personnel and resources as needed, and invite other parents to attend district sponsored meetings and events.
- Meetings are scheduled for 9/26/11, 10/17/11, 11/14/11, 1/9/12, 2/13/12, 3/12/12, and 4/3/12 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Additional members are needed to represent Country Meadows School. For more information or to express interest, please contact me (Katie Schneider - kschneider@kcsd96.org) by September 9, 2011.
District 96 Consistent Safe Snack List:
- When sharing treats at Country Meadows, please adhere to the safe snack list.
- Thank you for your support in protecting our students!