Click Here for the Weekly PTO Newsletter!

Click here for the weekly PTO newsletter!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


The annual  School Supply Kit Sale is underway; order before March 8th.  

Also, we are taking pre-orders for the always-popular Pizza Bingo Night, which will be held on Wednesday March 20th.  Please pre-order to guarantee your Pizza Bingo night actually includes pizza!!   

Supply Kit and Pizza Bingo order forms are on the web.  Thanks!!

Click here for this week's PTO Newsletter.

Winter MAP Score Reports

Please check your child's backpack today for the Winter MAP score reports.  You will find a letter from our Director of Curriculum, Paul Louis, and a guide to interpreting the graphs and information provided.  

Feel free to call or email if you have any questions!    

4th and 5th Grade Orchestra

Principal Jenny Smith and I were thrilled to watch the orchestra concert this week.  We were amazed and impressed with the talent of the kids.  Congratulations to Mr. Michael Duggan and the entire Kildeer and Country Meadows orchestra!  

*If you have a younger student, you really should consider encouraging your child to explore an instrument as they grow through the grades!  

Parent Pick-up

Have you noticed extra hands at Parent Pick-up?  We are working so hard to learn and implement safe, as well as efficient, systems for the kids.  Please help prevent heart attacks and add years to the lives of the adults in parent pick-up...we want to keep your kids safe!  All feedback from your perspective is greatly appreciated!  

Please, when you are pulling into parent drop-off and pick-up, do not use handheld cell phones.  It's illegal to be on your cellphone in a school zone, and incredibly dangerous to be on your cell phone while driving through parent pick-up.  Thank you.

Please, make sure your child enters the vehicle on the curbside of you car.  It is super dangerous for kiddos to run out into the parking lot.  Also, often times, cars are trying to pull around others and we do not want any close calls.  

Please, pick up your passengers perpendicular to the school building, not in the lane in front of the school.  We are trying so, so, so hard to help the pick-up line move safe and quick.  This system will help us keep cars moving.  



An unpopular subject, but 'tis the season...  Parents, it is recommended that you check your children on a regular basis for the presence of lice.  We have a nit free policy.  It they are found, you should notify the school so we can check your child's classroom and also your child upon re-entry to school.  When head lice has been verified in a particular classroom we check the entire classroom and you will always receive a letter home. Click here to read about FAQ's and even watch a video of what to look for when checking your children for these pesky pests.  (Reference to products are not intended as endorsements.)

No School on Monday

3/4 - There is no school on Monday in honor of Casimir Pulaski!

ISATs Begin Next Week!

When we return from the long weekend, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will participate in annual ISAT.  

The Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) will begin on Wednesday, March 6th and conclude on Monday, March 11th. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be tested in mathematics and reading. 4th grade students will also take the science exam.

You will receive information about your child’s performance on the ISAT tests next fall. The test results will be used as one piece of information to guide instruction.

You can help your child do his or her best on the test by:

  • Making sure that your child attends school on the days of testing provided they are not ill; 
  • Making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep; 
  • Eating a healthy breakfast; 
  • Reminding your child to ask the teacher questions if he or she does not understand the test directions; 
  • Letting your child know that you have confidence in his or her ability; and 
  • Advising your child not to worry about the test – just do the best he or she can. 

Please call me or your child’s teacher if you want additional information or have further questions about these tests. We look forward to sharing the ISAT results with you this fall.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Pacing Guides? What is that? Check it out...

Additional information regarding student learning targets is now available on the District website.  Parents have always had access to the District Curriculum Frameworks which include the mastery expectations (3.0 learning targets)  for students in each grade for every subject area, and represent the learning targets included on Report Cards.  These targets remain constant throughout the school year.  

Parents will now have access to the District Pacing Guides which include the mastery expectations (3.0 learning targets) and additional learning targets (2.0 and 4.0 learning targets) that teachers use for instructional purposes. The 4.0 learning targets indicate a more complex learning target related to the 3.0 learning target.  The 2.0 learning targets indicate a simpler version of the 3.0 learning target.  The 4.0 and 2.0 learning targets are fluid and flexible, sometimes adjusted throughout the school year based on information from student performance and teacher input.  

I strongly encourage you to take a look, as this provides you with a great deal of information related to your child's learning path. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or need more information.

Click the link below for more information...


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't miss out!

PTO School Supply Kit and Pizza Bingo night order forms are on the web now.  Don’t miss out, sign up today!

Click here for this week's PTO Newsletter.

Parents of 5th Graders!

ARE YOU THE PARENT OF A 5TH-GRADER? Save the date: Mar. 12, 7 p.m., Woodlawn Gym

The D96 Parent-to-Parent (P2P) Network is partnering with Woodlawn and Twin Groves Middle School principals and staff to present a brand-new transition program for parents whose current fifth-grade students will be attending middle school in August. This don’t-miss program on Tues., Mar. 12,  7 p.m.,Woodlawn Middle School Gym, for ALL District 96 parents of current fifth graders will feature a student panel for Q&A and practical transition tips, middle school staff, and Principals Heather Friziellie and Greg Grana. 

Please note that this program replaces the school-based programs presented in previous years. One program/one date for ALL parents of current D96 fifth-grade students: Tues., Mar. 12, 7 p.m., Woodlawn Middle School gym, 6362 Gilmer Rd., Long Grove 60047.

Lock Down Practice

I wanted to share with you that today at 12:50pm, Country Meadows underwent a Lock Down Drill.  Officers from the Lake County Sheriffs' Department and our D96 Resource Officer, Janet Freeman, were on site to assist in the drill and give feedback about our safety plan.  

These drills are designed to acquaint students and staff with procedures to cope with emergencies within and around the building that can possibly arise during school.  Staff was aware of the timing of the drill so we could identify any potential impediments and adjust our plan to maximize safety for all.  

I'm proud to announce that students and staff alike were quick, calm, and collected during the scheduled drill!  The students were so quiet and well hidden that you would not even know there were over 420 students here today.  All of the visiting adults were very impressed.  We are specifically very proud of our 4th graders that were in the cafeteria at this time.  

I encourage you to talk with your kids about their experiences today.  Kids love to ask, "what do I do if..."  We work to help the kids become problem-solvers that can protect themselves if need be.  For example, a child might ask, "What do I do if an intruder gets in my classroom?"  Please teach your child to protect oneself by then relocating to safety.  

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Important Upcoming Dates

2/27 - The Wheel of Wisdom Visits Country Meadows!  

3/4 - No School in honor of Casimir Pulaski

3/6 - 3/12 - ISAT Testing for students in grades 3, 4, and 5

3/12 - 5th Grade Transition Program for Parents at WL

3/19 - Early Release - Dismissal is at 2:00pm

3/20 - Pizza Bingo (The Book Fair is being hosted from the 18th through the 21st)

3/22 - Spring break begins at 3pm

Friday, February 15, 2013

PTO News

Please make sure your calendars are marked for the PTO General Meeting on Wednesday, February 20th at 9:30am.  

If you are new to Country Meadows or would just like to know more about the PTO, please plan to join us at 9:00am for a brief PTO Orientation to learn more about what the PTO does.  Coffee and treats will be provided!

Click here for this week's PTO Newsletter.

Early Release on Tuesday!

Hello -

Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday to observe President's Day.  Also, Tuesday is EARLY RELEASE.  Kids will be released at 2pm.  We know that can be hard to remember after a long weekend!  

Take care - 
The CM Staff

Order an Author Visit Book to Get it Signed!

The Illinois 5Essentials Survey is now available. Between Feb. 1 and Mar. 31, parents across Illinois are asked to join teachers and students in taking this survey in order to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of their child’s/children’s school(s). 

The Illinois 5Essentials Survey is being administered online by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago, on behalf of the Illinois School Board of Education (ISBE). 

Please take one survey per school for each school that your children attend. 

CLICK HERE for the webpage with the Illinois 5Essentials Survey link.

Common Core Standards Presentation

Did you miss the presentation on Common Core State Standards?  Access it here...

Friday, February 8, 2013

PTO News

Did you receive the PTO Survey?  The PTO would like to get your opinions about PTO communications and volunteering for the PTO.  Please take a few moments to respond.  We appreciate your feedback and your help and thank you for your ongoing support of the PTO!

Click here for the survey.

Click here for this week's PTO Newsletter.

Common Core State Standards!

This Mon., Feb. 11, brings another learning opportunity for parents: New Common Core Standards: How Are They Different?

I hope you will join me for this program at 7 p.m. in the Ivy Hall School Mat Room, 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove. Please enter through the double doors facing Clohesey Dr., on the east side of the school.

The program focus is the significant changes to curriculum–more rigor and greater expectations–that are the result of our implementation of Common Core Learning Standards. The Common Core is changing  English/Language Arts instruction at every grade level. In the 2013–14 school year, Common Core Learning Standards will be implemented for every grade level in math. Join District administrators and staff for the program on Mon., Feb. 11, to learn more.

Attention Parents of Fifth-Graders

The D96  Parent-to-Parent (P2P) Network is partnering with Woodlawn and Twin Groves Middle School principals and staff to present a brand-new transition program for parents whose current fifth-grade students will be attending middle school in August 2013. 

This don’t-miss program on Tues., Mar. 12,  @ 7 p.m., Woodlawn Middle School Gym, for ALL District 96 parents of current fifth graders will feature a student panel for Q&A and practical transition tips, middle school staff, and Principals Heather Friziellie and Greg Grana. 

Please note that this program replaces the school-based programs presented in previous years. One program/one date for ALL parents of current D96 fifth-grade students: Tues., Mar. 12, 7 p.m., Woodlawn Middle School gym, 6362 Gilmer Rd, Long Grove 60047.

Follow-up to Our Diversity Assembly!

"Country Meadows is only fun because of diversity. Without diversity, every school, every country and even the world-- every day we spend, every person we spend the day with would all be the same. Diversity makes every day unique. We respect diversity at Country Meadows."  -Logan

See what the fabulous and articlulate CM Students have to say about diversity in this video by clicking here.

Is Your Child Well Enough to Go to School?

Reminder about illnesses ~ As stated in the Student Handbook, section 5.0 General Health Questions and Procedures: 

Children with temperatures of 100 degrees or above, sneezing or runny noses, sore or irritated eyes, or severe abdominal cramps should not be in school. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or more should stay home for 24 hours after his or her temperature returns to normal without the use of fever-reducing medications. Parents should notify the school whenever there is confirmation of a communicable or contagious illness of any sort.

Please refer to the Send to School or Keep Home? guidelines when deciding if you should keep your child home or send them to school.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Honor outstanding effort! Take time to NOMINATE someone you admire for his or her commitment and noteworthy dedication to the District 96 Community. Nominations can be made ONLINE at through Fri., Feb. 8.
Crystal Apple award winners shall be honored at a special recognition dinner on Friday, March 15th, at the Arboretum Club, Buffalo Grove at 6p.m. Tickets information will be available on the district website in mid-February!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Did you know the PTO Newsletter is issued weekly?

Please check out the PTO Newsletter here.  It has exciting news about the PTO's fundraisers and events for the kids.

PTO Orientation

ATTENTION ALL NEW FAMILIES TO COUNTRY MEADOWS – The PTO will be hosting a brief “PTO Orientation” on Wednesday, February 20th at 9:00am prior to the General PTO Meeting at 9:30am.   If you are interested in learning more about what the PTO does, please join us.  Coffee & treats will be provided! Questions? Contact Mike Burns ( or Laura LaCroix ( Hope to see you there!

Birthday Party Treats!

Just a friendly reminder, when bringing a treat from home, to celebrate your child's birthday at school, please ensure that it is listed on the safe snack list so that all can enjoy and participate. Thank you. 

Roller Skating Reminder!

Roller Skating Reminder

Our Roller Skating Unit begins next week for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade P.E. classes.  Here are some reminders:

         *All safety equipment is provided by Skatetime, including
                  helmets, wrist guards, elbow and knee pads.

         *Since all classes share helmets, we will be providing
                  bandanas for use under them, however, it would help
                  us out and save time, if your child would either bring
                  his/her own helmet or a baseball cap to wear under
                  the helmet.

*If your child has all his/her own safety equipment and you
        would feel better having them wear it, please feel free   
to send it along with them.

And, once again, thank you to our PTO for providing this VERY
FUN unit for our students.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nihill