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Friday, February 1, 2013

Roller Skating Reminder!

Roller Skating Reminder

Our Roller Skating Unit begins next week for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade P.E. classes.  Here are some reminders:

         *All safety equipment is provided by Skatetime, including
                  helmets, wrist guards, elbow and knee pads.

         *Since all classes share helmets, we will be providing
                  bandanas for use under them, however, it would help
                  us out and save time, if your child would either bring
                  his/her own helmet or a baseball cap to wear under
                  the helmet.

*If your child has all his/her own safety equipment and you
        would feel better having them wear it, please feel free   
to send it along with them.

And, once again, thank you to our PTO for providing this VERY
FUN unit for our students.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nihill