Thank you to all of our committee co-chairs, volunteers, and especially our tireless Executive Board members– Mia, Christina, Lori, and Jennifer!! We could not have had such a successful year without all of your help. Wishing you all a fun, relaxing, and safe summer!
Laura & Mike
Click here for the final PTO Newsletter.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Cell Phone and Pictures
As the year comes to a close, we are all getting very excited. Many kids are wanting to use their cell phones to take pictures. Unfortunately, that's contrary to our cell phone policy.
The kids were reminded today of our cell phone policy and taking pictures of one another. Please help us to encourage students to have cell phones off and in their backpacks all day long. This applies to the bus ride as well. Further, we really want to protect the photos of our children from being posted on social media sites without parental permission. We would greatly appreciate it if you would also talk to children about this as well.
Thank you so much! I know that we can always count on you when it comes to keeping our children safe!
The kids were reminded today of our cell phone policy and taking pictures of one another. Please help us to encourage students to have cell phones off and in their backpacks all day long. This applies to the bus ride as well. Further, we really want to protect the photos of our children from being posted on social media sites without parental permission. We would greatly appreciate it if you would also talk to children about this as well.
Thank you so much! I know that we can always count on you when it comes to keeping our children safe!
Yearbooks for Sale!
There are a few yearbooks for sale. They cost $23 each.
Contact Allison Hertzberg at if you would like to know if you already ordered.
There are limited quantities and are offered on a first come, first serve basis. Please make the check payable to the Country Meadows PTO.
Contact Allison Hertzberg at if you would like to know if you already ordered.
There are limited quantities and are offered on a first come, first serve basis. Please make the check payable to the Country Meadows PTO.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Thank you!
Thank you for all of your patience with our phone service this week! There are many people working to remedy the problem. We really appreciate your support!
Exciting PTO Events
Please join us at the Family Picnic
on May, 30th from 6pm-8pm!
We are excited to celebrate another great year with you.
We are excited to provide your child with a hot dog lunch
Introducing CM's Newest Music Teacher
After an incredibly rigorous, multi-staged, interview process involving six Country Meadows staff members, Principal Schneider, and the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Dr. Dalton, we are pleased to announce Quentin Coaxum as our music teacher!
My name is Quentin Coaxum, and I will be the new music teacher at Country Meadows Elementary School next year. I have received bachelors’ degrees in both music education and jazz studies from Northern Illinois University. I am a passionate musician and educator and I can’t wait to begin making music with your children.
For the past three years I have been teaching elementary general music in St. Charles District 303, while also remaining active as a musician on the Chicago music scene. Recently I became engaged, and as a result have been looking to find a teaching position in closer proximity to my fiancée’s job. Country Meadows seemed like a perfect fit for my educational experiences and skill set, and I am honored to have been selected as its newest music teacher. I am very excited to start the new school year and begin sharing the joys of music with your children.
I look forward to meeting all of you soon!
Quentin Coaxum
Remaining ABC Countdown Days!
We cannot believe that we do not have any full weeks of school left!
28th- S: Summer Birthday- Wear your favorite summer gear as we celebrate all the special summer birthdays! Your teacher will give you direction on how we will celebrate.
29th- T: Thank you day: While at school, make a thank you card for someone in the building
30th- U: Unwanted Day- We will begin the cleaning process and send home things from our desks that are unneeded for the rest of the year.
31st- V: uV Day- It’s Field Day so make sure you wear lots of uV protection!
3rd W: Wacky Day - Inside out, mismatched, and just plain silly clothing and hair day!
4th- X: X-tra Recess Day- The name says it all!
5th- Y: Yearbook Day- Get special autographs from your classmates.
6th- Z: Zero Day- Zero days left of school. Come and say goodbye to a wonderful year at Country Meadows!
Hot Dog Lunch on Friday, May 31st
The PTO is providing a hot dog lunch for everyone in the school on Friday, May 31st for Field Day.
A few things to know...
- You child would appreciate it if you sent an alternative for lunch if he/she does not eat hot dogs. ;)
- If it rains and Field Day is cancelled, the hot dog lunch will still be provided. In addition, Field Day will be the following Monday with regular food service.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Getting Close to the End of the PTO Year too!
Click here for this week's PTO Newsletter.
Three things to remember this week:
1) Please send in your Family Picnic order forms by Wednesday 5/22
Three things to remember this week:
1) Please send in your Family Picnic order forms by Wednesday 5/22
2) Attend the PTO General Meeting at 9:30 am on
Wednesday 5/22
3) Contact Tiffany Schneider (
to buy Leiders gift certificates
Thanks for supporting the PTO!
Remaining ABC Countdown Days
20th- N: No Homework Day- Take the night off!
21st - O: Outside day - Enjoy some extra time outside with your class!
22nd- P: Pirate Day - Talk like a pirate and take part in pirate activities (eye patches optional but absolutely NO WEAPONS) ...AAARGH!
23rd- Q: “Quit Doing School Work And Enjoy Music!”
24th- R: Run Your Socks off Day - CUB CRAWL!
28th- S: Summer Birthday- Wear your favorite summer gear as we celebrate all the special summer birthdays! Your teacher will give you direction on how we will celebrate.
29th- T: Thank you day: While at school, make a thank you card for someone in the building
30th- U: Unwanted Day- We will begin the cleaning process and send home things from our desks that are unneeded for the rest of the year.
31st- V: uV Day- It’s Field Day so make sure you wear lots of uV protection!
3rd W: Wacky Day - Inside out, mismatched, and just plain silly clothing and hair day!
4th- X: X-tra Recess Day- The name says it all!
5th- Y: Yearbook Day- Get special autographs from your classmates.
6th- Z: Zero Day- Zero days left of school. Come and say goodbye to a wonderful year at Country Meadows!
WOW! What a week!
Ask your child about the SCIENCE assembly provided by the PTO. It was so much fun! We had a blast on Wednesday.
The Orchestra Concert was amazing on Wednesday Night and toes were tapping at the Band Concert on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. Duggan and Mr. Craw on wonderful evenings. Students - I am so impressed with your magical music making. You filled my heart!
How low can you go? We limboed the day away on Thursday. It was so fun to laugh and smile on our way in and out of school. ABC Countdown continues to be a blast! Keep checking the Principal's Message so your child can participate in the fun!
The Orchestra Concert was amazing on Wednesday Night and toes were tapping at the Band Concert on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. Duggan and Mr. Craw on wonderful evenings. Students - I am so impressed with your magical music making. You filled my heart!
How low can you go? We limboed the day away on Thursday. It was so fun to laugh and smile on our way in and out of school. ABC Countdown continues to be a blast! Keep checking the Principal's Message so your child can participate in the fun!
Family Reminders!
As the year comes to a close (sniffle, sniffle), we just wanted to remind you of some very important things to help keep our kiddos safe:
- Please do not drop your kids off at school before 8:10. We do not have supervision until that time and would not want anyone stuck outside or in the vestibule.
- If you are dropping your kids off, please walk them to the front door to make sure that they get in the building just fine and that there is staff here. This is referring to kids that are late (or happen to be here before 8:10) and do not come through the morning drop-off door. We would hate for someone to be left here on a non-attendance day.
- There are ticks outside living off of our beautiful land. Check your kids each night and teach your children to brush themselves off after being outside. We have been working to teach them at school as well.
Thank you so much for all of your amazing support all year long! You help to make this a great place for kids!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Holy Moly! The staff has never felt more revered, honored, pampered, and appreciated!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the parents that put so much time, energy, and effort into this great week. Your children are the reason we come to school each day, however, the extra boost made this week especially fun.
We love our partnership with the parents of the community and had a wonderful time celebrating with you this week.
Our hearts are so full! We cannot thank you enough for the best week ever!
P - T - O!
Thanks to all of the parents and students who helped make Staff Appreciation Week such a success!
Mark your calendar: PTO General Meeting on May 22nd, Family Picnic on May 30th. See the PTO website for details.
Click here for this week's PTO Newsletter.
Click here for this week's PTO Newsletter.
Go, go, be a PRO!
Many parents ask for the visuals that we use with children to reinforce behavior expectations. For your viewing pleasure... Click here for PRO Visuals!
Cub Crawl
On Friday May 24th, we will be having
our annual Country Meadows Cub Crawl.
This is an all school event, which promotes fun and fitness. The Cub Crawl is a walk/run activity that
will take the students on a course around the school grounds. Students must have gym shoes in order to
participate and should dress according to the weather. Students are encouraged to wear country
Meadows clothes or blue and white.
***Due to lack of parking and the limited size of
the path, this event is only for Country Meadows students and staff.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Important Dates
May 7th is Early Release! Students are dismissed at 2pm.
Come to our Community Celebration on May 9th!
Click on one of the 3 links below for more information...
More fun to come! Check it out!
There is a lot going on in May! Be sure to check out the PTO newsletter so you and your children don’t miss out on all the fun and exciting events and fundraisers this month!
Next week is Staff Appreciation Week. Help us say thank you to our wonderful teachers and staff! Click here for more information and online sign up.
Also, join us on Tuesday, May 7th at Culver’s in Buffalo Grove for our last dinner night fundraiser and on Friday, May 10thfor our Ice Skating Party. See the newsletter for full details.
Thank you for supporting the PTO!
'Tis the Season for Warmer Weather and Smaller Clothes!
The Parent/Student Handbook Language is shared below in regards to Standards for Student Dress. Sneak a peek and please, please hear our plea in regards to these few important items at the top of our list:
1. Spaghetti straps are not thick enough for school.
2. Shorts should be long enough so kids are well covered because they play hard in PE and sit on the floor with folded legs A LOT in school! When a child has his/her arms down, shorts should be to the hands.
3. When arm holes (think of athletic tanks) are so big that we can see a tummy, everyone gets uncomfortable, please layer up.
4. Help your child to consider footwear. Flip flops at recess just won't cut it when playing sports or on the wood chips.
5. Our school is air conditioned and kids get chilly when their clothes are too summery.
4.12-e Standards for Student Dress. Students who are appropriately and comfortably dressed are able to focus on schoolwork more effectively. The following guidelines will be enforced by building administrators. Cooperation
by parents is appreciated.
1. Dress or appearance that provokes or distracts other students or otherwise causes a disruption to the educational process is prohibited.
2. Shoes must be worn at all times.
3. Clothing, jewelry, or accessories may not have writing or pictures that advertise or advocate alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscenity, violence, or gang activity.
4. Pants must be worn at the waistline.
5. Hats are allowed on designated hat days only.
6. Half shirts, cropped tops, spaghetti straps, and underwear or sleepwear worn as outerwear are not acceptable.
7. Undergarments should not be visible.
8. With the exception of appropriate jewelry, no chains should be worn.
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