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Thursday, May 2, 2013

'Tis the Season for Warmer Weather and Smaller Clothes!

The Parent/Student Handbook Language is shared below in regards to Standards for Student Dress.  Sneak a peek and please, please hear our plea in regards to these few important items at the top of our list: 

1.  Spaghetti straps are not thick enough for school.

2.  Shorts should be long enough so kids are well covered because they play hard in PE and sit on the floor with folded legs A LOT in school!  When a child has his/her arms down, shorts should be to the hands.  

3.  When arm holes (think of athletic tanks) are so big that we can see a tummy, everyone gets uncomfortable, please layer up.  

4.  Help your child to consider footwear.  Flip flops at recess just won't cut it when playing sports or on the wood chips.

5.  Our school is air conditioned and kids get chilly when their clothes are too summery.  

4.12-e Standards for Student Dress. Students who are appropriately and comfortably dressed are able to focus on schoolwork more effectively. The following guidelines will be enforced by building administrators. Cooperation 
by parents is appreciated.

1. Dress or appearance that provokes or distracts other students or otherwise causes a disruption to the educational process is prohibited. 

2. Shoes must be worn at all times.

3. Clothing, jewelry, or accessories may not have writing or pictures that advertise or advocate alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscenity, violence, or gang activity.

4. Pants must be worn at the waistline.

5. Hats are allowed on designated hat days only.

6. Half shirts, cropped tops, spaghetti straps, and underwear or sleepwear worn as outerwear are not acceptable.

7. Undergarments should not be visible.

8. With the exception of appropriate jewelry, no chains should be worn.