Click Here for the Weekly PTO Newsletter!

Click here for the weekly PTO newsletter!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hi Country Meadows Families!  

There are no words to describe how heavy our jar of change was today!  WOW!  We are really cheering for change at Country Meadows today!  There will be many more pictures to come, however, here are a few to celebrate the creativity of student and staff at school today!  Thank you to the talents of Mrs. Janet Kahlben!    

Halloween - 
We are so excited for Halloween on Monday!  Please take a few minutes to review our plans for costume, parades, and parties, OH MY!  (You'll find this below in previous blogs)

 If you are a PTO volunteer that is planning the room party, please make sure that you adhere to the safe snack list and please stay away from activities that could spread germs.  We really appreciate your support in making sure our students are safe and healthy at school.  Monday will, no doubt, be a ton of fun!  

Assessment and Report Cards - 
One last reminder to attend the November 9th presentation entitiled, "Understanding Your Child's Report Card," held for the entire district at Prairie school.  We will be sharing information about our assessment practices as well how to understand the actual report card.  We cannot wait to see you there!  

Family Reading Night -
Join us for this annual tradition on November 17th at 7pm!  We cannot wait for you to participate in reading activities with your child!  

2nd Grade Parents - 
Please mark your calendars for math night on November 30th!  This is an opportunity hosted by our math specialist, Lisa Zimmerman.  She will guide you to explore the algorithms that your student learns in school.  This is a great way to learn how to support your student with math homework.  The specific time will soon be published!  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Important Information to note:
  • On October 28th, Country Meadows will be hosting a HAT DAY (after re-takes, of course).  If a students wishes to wear a hat to school, we are “cheering for change.”  If a student brings spare change to school (in any denomination) he/she will be able to wear a hat in school all day long!  The change will be donate to a fund called “Cubs of Country Meadows” which supports students and families in a time of need.  Thank you so much for your contributions! 
  • Many parents have asked about ways to donate to our school community.  The staff at Country Meadows has put together a fund “Cubs of Country Meadows” in order to support our students.  Most recently, we were able to purchase about $500 worth of books at the book fair for students that may not have otherwise been able to participate.  A huge THANK YOU to so many wonderful staff and parents that have shown us the power of “paying it forward.”  I have never seen smiles so big and kids so excited to pick and receive a book.  Being able to provide these opportunities to students is a true gift and we cannot thank you enough!  If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Cheryl Kelly, Deb Stanton, or me and we will absolutely help you do that! 

Here are some of the wonderful comments our visitors left with us!
Each month, District 96 hosts visiting educators to learn about our practices.  Last year, Country Meadows even hosted visitors from Canada!  On Wednesday, we hosted about 25 visitors from Sycamore School District.  They are working to model our practices in providing what is best for students at all times.  Our visitors left wonderful notes for our staff about the amazing, well rounded education we are providing.  I cannot possibly be more proud of this staff and parent community so I thought I’d share their remarks with you! 

     Visually engaging classrooms with explicit expectations!

     We love that you teach to extend when students have met!

     The students could tell us what they were working on--and explain it!

     All staff very positive and professional - strong leadership among all staff!

     Using google docs is a wonderful way to collaborate.

     I found it to be so helpful that collaboration occurs between all staff members!  All are involved and enthusiastic -- way to go team!

     Your school is beautiful!  Everyone from staff to students was very nice!  Thank you for answering all of our questions.

     Team leaders and principal were excellent hosts, flexible, answered and addressed lots of questions and shared extensive info.  Exemplary leaders!

     You have the nicest, most welcoming teachers - everyone was inviting warm and helpful!

     Student engagement is very high.  

     The evidence of rigor is amazing!  

     Hanging student learning targets on wall helps students to focus on learning. 

     There are many common building initiatives evident and in practice like PRO and Social Thinking.  

     We saw so much evidence of collaboration and there is no doubt that student learning takes priority.  

     Country Meadows has such a positive climate! 

     We were impressed that all adults have ID from parents to all staff are wearing ID badges.

     WOW!  The children are very well behaved.  Great rapport between children and teachers.

     It was obvious the children respect learning and are in tune with the teachers.

     I loved to see the Daily 5 so prevalent in every classroom.  

    Great staff and kids.

    Great day of learning!

Halloween is coming! 
On October 31st, each classroom will have a Halloween Celebration as well as participate in a Halloween Parade.  Students are so excited to celebrate.  I love hearing about the costumes they have planned.  We are planning for beautiful weather and genuinely hope that everyone has a safe and healthy Halloween that weekend. 

Parade -
Our parade will begin around 1:30pm inside school for students. Weather permitting, we’ll parade outside the building and parents/families are welcome to watch IN THE FRONT PARKING LOT.  The kids will be able to see each other’s costumes during an indoor parade before we parade outside. We did this last year and it was really fun for everyone.  The parade should be outside around 1:45pm. 

If the weather doesn’t cooperate, the students will parade inside the building for each other and, for obvious security reasons, an indoor parade will be for STAFF AND STUDENTS ONLY.

Parties -
The parties will begin just after the parade, which will be around 2:00, and are for students only.  The PTO has generously arranged for a determined committee of parents to put together activities for the students that afternoon.  The party is for the students in the classroom only.  Additional family members will not be permitted to attend even if a parent is helping to throw the party. 

If you are a party planner, please refer to the safe snack list on our website to make sure we are keeping everyone safe.  Also, if you are a party planner arranged by the PTO, please make sure you are identified in the office and wear your nametag at all times while in the building. 

As you being planning to create at home or costume shop for the perfect ensemble, here are the costume expectations so we can make sure that we have a wonderful pre-celebration that afternoon at Country Meadows!

Students should bring costumes for the parade to school but costumes are not to be worn to school.  The costume should be “kid friendly” so that each child may change into the costume independently after lunch.  It’s recommended that students put costumes on over their clothes so they are changed quickly in their classrooms and do not need to fully change. 

ANY HAIR COLOR OR MAKEUP MUST BE APPLIED BEFORE COMING TO SCHOOL…and we’d hope that if you do add color to hair or faces, it’s simple and does not distract anyone from learning for the day.  Do not allow your child to bring make-up or hair color to school.

Costumes should be “kid friendly” in their content, too.  NO MASKS, WEAPONS (real or fake!), BLOOD, SUPER SCARINESS, OR GENERAL ICKINESS should be a part of a costume.  Also, we assume all costumes will follow our school dress code so NO BARE TUMMIES, please.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!  

From the PTO
Thank you so much to all parents for a successful Ice Cream Social, Cookie Dough Sale, and Book Fair.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated as it it enables the PTO to be able to do wonderful things for students! Thank you sincerely for participating and contributing!  Click here for an update from the PTO.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14th

Important Information to note:
  • For more information on report card, the district-wide presentation hosted by District Office Administrators, Principals, and teachers titled, “Understanding Your Child’s Report Card” has been rescheduled for November 9th due to a holiday.  This is a change from October 20thWe cannot wait to see you at Prairie School, 1530 Brandywyn Lane, Buffalo Grove.
  •  We had a bus evacuation drill today!  The students did a great job.  Ask your child about it.
  • Picture Re-takes will be October 28th. 
  • Also on October 28th, Country Meadows will be hosting a HAT DAY (after re-takes, of course).  If a students wishes to wear a hat to school, we are “cheering for change.”  If a student brings spare change to school (in any denomination) he/she will be able to wear a hat in school all day long!  The change will be donate to a fund called “Cubs of Country Meadows” which supports students and families in a time of need.  Thank you so much for your contributions!
  • We cannot wait for the ice cream social, for the safety and enjoyment of all, please note that all children need to be with an adult at all times as there is no supervision provided for students.  We want everyone to have a great time and enjoy the event.  Thank you for your understanding! 
  • Click here for exciting PTO events for next week including:  Book Fair, Ice Cream Social, and the Box Tops Contest!

Check out our new PRO Website HERE.  Also, bookmark this site, 

Riding Buses other than the bus assigned to your student
In section 9.4, of our student handbook, permission for students to ride other buses is explained.  Lately, we have had such a high volume of students taking other buses that we have near reached capacity.  Please note that in these cases, permission to ride the bus will be denied.  Also, please note that groups of students are not to ride to home with another student.  These requests will be denied as well.  Finally, we strongly request that permission to ride other buses comes in written form.  We need your signature for permission to ride another bus.  Please help us keep all students safe, organized, and on time.  Thank you so much! 
The handbook states: 
Written permission must be provided by the parent if any child wishes to ride a bus other than the one to which he or she is assigned, or to get off a bus at a stop other than his or her assigned bus stop.  Due to capacity restrictions, the request will be considered by the building principal (at the middle school level, by the Assistant Principal), who will determine whether there is adequate seating on the bus to accommodate additional riders. Groups of students, such as birthday party guests or Scout troop members, will not be permitted to ride alternate buses.
Halloween is coming! 
The Parade Route will be posted next week!  Check back..

On October 31st, each classroom will have a Halloween Celebration as well as participate in a Halloween Parade.  Students are so excited to celebrate.  I love hearing about the costumes they have planned.  We are planning for beautiful weather and genuinely hope that everyone has a safe and healthy Halloween that weekend. 

As you being planning to create at home or costume shop for the perfect ensemble, here are the costume expectations so we can make sure that we have a wonderful pre-celebration that afternoon at Country Meadows!  Times and routines for the parade and parties will follow in later newsletters.  Thank you for your support in making this an outstanding celebration. 

Students should bring costumes for the parade to school but costumes are not to be worn to school.  The costume should be “kid friendly” so that each child may change into the costume independently after lunch.  It’s recommended that students put costumes on over their clothes so they are changed quickly in their classrooms and do not need to fully change. 

ANY HAIR COLOR OR MAKEUP MUST BE APPLIED BEFORE COMING TO SCHOOL…and we’d hope that if you do add color to hair or faces, it’s simple and does not distract anyone from learning for the day.  Do not allow your child to bring make-up or hair color to school.

Costumes should be “kid friendly” in their content, too.  NO MASKS, WEAPONS (real or fake!), BLOOD, SUPER SCARINESS, OR GENERAL ICKINESS should be a part of a costume.  Also, we assume all costumes will follow our school dress code so NO BARE TUMMIES, please.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!  

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Important Information to note: 
  • “Understanding Your Child’s Report Card” has been rescheduled for Wednesday, November 9th due to a holiday.  This is a change from October 20th.   This will be held at Prairie School (1530 Brandywyn Lane, Buffalo Grove at 6:30pm).
  •  We had a fire drill this week!  The students did a great job.  Ask your child about it.
  • Picture Re-takes will be October 28th. 
  • Student reports from the Measure of Academic Progress as well as ISAT (for our 4th and 5th graders) came home on October 6th.
  • We know that children enjoy celebrating their birthdays and sharing a treat with their friends. However, when a treat is provided that is not on the safe snack list, some children are left out of the celebration. Teachers and staff are also put in an uncomfortable position of having to tell children that their treat cannot be shared with their classmates.  Snacks and treats need to be from the safe snack list, which includes many fun choices.  Also, please know that baked goods including Dunkin Donuts are not considered safe.
  • The PTO announced that there has been a change in the date for the Variety Show.  The Variety Show will be April 10th.  This is a change from the November date.  For other PTO news, click here.
  • Speaking of the Ice Cream Social, for the safety and enjoyment of all, please note that all children need to be with an adult at all times as there is no supervision provided for students.  We want everyone to have a great time and enjoy the event.  Thank you for your understanding! 
Halloween is coming! 
On October 31st, each classroom will have a Halloween Celebration as well as participate in a Halloween Parade.  Students are so excited to celebrate.  I love hearing about the costumes they have planned.  We are planning for beautiful weather and genuinely hope that everyone has a safe and healthy Halloween that weekend. 

As you being planning to create at home or costume shop for the perfect ensemble, here are the costume expectations so we can make sure that we have a wonderful pre-celebration that afternoon at Country Meadows!  Times and routines for the parade and parties will follow in later newsletters.  Thank you for your support in making this an outstanding celebration. 

Students should bring costumes for the parade to school but costumes are not to be worn to school.  The costume should be “kid friendly” so that each child may change into the costume independently after lunch.  It’s recommended that students put costumes on over their clothes so they are changed quickly in their classrooms and do not need to fully change. 

ANY HAIR COLOR OR MAKEUP MUST BE APPLIED BEFORE COMING TO SCHOOL…and we’d hope that if you do add color to hair or faces, it’s simple and does not distract anyone from learning for the day.  Do not allow your child to bring make-up or hair color to school.

Costumes should be “kid friendly” in their content, too.  NO MASKS, WEAPONS (real or fake!), BLOOD, SUPER SCARINESS, OR GENERAL ICKINESS should be a part of a costume.  Also, we assume all costumes will follow our school dress code so NO BARE TUMMIES, please.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! 

Revised Report Card and Student/Parent Feedback
I'd like to familiarize parents with new grading marks that you may see coming home on student work, which correspond to our new report card format.  The purpose of the new reporting format is to clearly communicate student achievement of grade level specific learning targets and student work habits.  Standards give students performance targets to aim for and offer teachers a basis for providing feedback that will help students achieve these standards.  There are four categories by which student proficiency is reported:  

  Extends (E):  A small number of students will receive an E, indicating they are consistently extending (applying more depth) to grade level key concepts, processes, and skills.  
  Meets (M): Students receiving an M are currently meeting grade level targets.  This is the expectation for the majority of our students.  
  Below (B): Students receiving  a B are beginning to, and occasionally do, meet the standard.  They produce below grade-level work that contains many errors and may need additional support at times to be successful.
  Warning (W): A W indicates that the student is not meeting the standard and has made little progress towards meeting the standard.  The student regularly needs additional support and practice to show progress towards grade level expectations.

A change in plans, please join us on November 9th at 6:30 pm in the Ivy Hall gym for a District level parent information night on Understanding Your Child's New Report Card.  This was previously scheduled for October 20th but has been changed due to a holiday.