Click Here for the Weekly PTO Newsletter!

Click here for the weekly PTO newsletter!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Woodlawn 6th Grade Parent Orientation

To the Parents of 5th Graders: 
Mark your calendars for

Wednesday, April 11th at 7pm!

Mr. Grana, Mr. Murphy, and the Woodlawn Staff
 are excited to share all about Woodlawn with you!
They will also be available to answer your questions.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

To the Parents of 5th Graders...

...(and parents of other grade levels that are also just curious to know).  
Check-out the link below containing information about 6th Grade Placement.  

Friday, February 24, 2012

Please Don't Forget About These Important Events!

Are you looking for ideas to
Support Your Child's Learning at Home?
Join our team of specialists at Country Meadows
on February 27th at 9am or 6:45pm
for great ideas in the cafeteria!  

Country Meadows is honored to be hosting
the Board of Education Meeting
on March 6, 2012!
We will begin at 6:40pm.
The regular meeting will start at 7pm.

Thank you in advance for coming!  
We cannot wait to see you there! 

What a beautiful sight! Happy Winter to the Friends of Country Meadows!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thank You to the Board of Education!

We would like to thank
The Board of Education
for visiting Country Meadows
on Thursday!  

We had a wonderful time showing you how we learn.  
We are so happy that we are so important to you.

The Students at Country Meadows

Keyboarding Instruction

Kildeer Countryside School District is pleased to inform you that we are using Custom Typing web based software with all third, fourth, and fifth grade students for remainder of this school year.  Custom Typing is a web based keyboarding program that has been selected by our elementary keyboarding committee as a tool to teach and reinforce keyboarding skills.  In the next several weeks, your child will be provided his/her own account and will log in to Custom Typing at school and at home.  Teachers have access to an online resource, which will allow them to monitor the progress of each student.

Because Custom Typing is a web based program, there is no software to be installed, and a student can use the program from any computer with an Internet connection.  There will be an expectation that your child practice his/her keyboarding skills at home.  As always, proper supervision is recommended for children when they are online.  If you do not have access to the Internet, we will work with you to make sure that your child is able to work on their keyboarding skills.

Keyboarding skills for all students are increasingly important, as future state exams will require them to complete extended writing responses and type them in a single sitting.  It is our goal to ensure that the mechanical skills required to do so (i.e. keyboarding and familiarity with word processing programs) are not a barrier for effective and clear communication.  

Custom Typing’s training approach focuses on correct finger placement along with increasing speed and accuracy. There is a progression of lessons interspersed with games to encourage practice.

You will receive your student specific log-in and password within the next several weeks.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An Additional Bus Comes to Country Meadows

If your child rides bus 241 or 242, a change might be headed your way.  

Due to increased capacity on the bus, we plan to add an additional route to accomodate student need.  More information will be available about the change to your child's route next week (week of 2/20).  We will be looking to start the bus the following week (2/27).  I know that many of you will be celebrating this great addition right along with us.  

Thank you so much for your continued and endless support!  

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Expected Bus Behaviors

Hello Families - 

Since it is the middle of the school year, we thought it would be the perfect time to review our bus procedures!  Today, the whole school reviewed the expected behaviors on the bus to keep students safe on the way to and from school.  We shared examples of why these behaviors are important.  The boys and girls were also asked to sign this contract to pledge that they will follow the bus rules so everyone has a safe and comfortable ride.  Please review the bus rules with your child at home and let us know if you have any questions.  As always, thank you so much for your support in guaranteeing that your child has the very best school experience.  

Country Meadows Bus Contract

Name:  ____________________________   Grade: _____         

I will use Expected Behaviors on the bus by:
*Staying seated, facing forward, and keeping aisles clear during the entire bus ride.
         *Using a #1, #2, or #3 voice.
*Keeping my hands, feet, body, and objects to myself.
*Listening to the bus driver and following the bus driver’s directions. 
         *Not eating or drinking on the bus.
         *Walking while entering and exiting the bus. 
         *Keeping the bus clean. 

Student Signature: ________________________________

Date:                      ________________________________

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Kindergarten Registration - Needs to be Completed by March 1st!

Kindergarten registration for the 2012-2013 school year begins on January 3, 2012.  Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2012.  Registration will be accepted at Willow Grove Kindergarten and Early Childhood Center between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm when school is in session.  Please bring an original birth certificate (not a copy), travel visa, or passport for the enrolling student.  Additionally please bring two proofs of residency:  tax bill or monthly mortgage statement or current lease agreement AND utility bill or home insurance bill or driver's license.  Any questions please call Sue Winston at 847-541-3660.

Skating in P.E.

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Beginning on February 27th our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be participating in an in-house skating program during their physical education classes.  The skates will be delivered directly to the school and used inside our gymnasium.  This equipment is specifically intended for indoor use and will not damage our floor.

This skating unit is being implemented because of its emphasis as a “Lifetime Activity”.  Skating provides a variety of benefits, which include balance, coordination, motor skills, and a top rated cardio-respiratory workout.

Our PTO has been most generous in funding this program for our children in which they will learn basic skating skills such as starting, stopping, forward skating, backward skating, cornering, and a number of safety tips for being a smart skater.

 The company providing the skates will also be providing all safety equipment, including helmets, knee and elbow pads and wrists guards. Since all classes share helmets, we will be providing bandanas for use under them, however, it would help us out and save time, if your child would either bring his/her own helmet or baseball cap to wear under the helmet.  Also, if your child has their own safety equipment and you would feel better having them wear it, please feel free to send it along with them.

And, once again, thank you to our PTO for providing this VERY FUN unit for our students.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nihill

Friday, February 3, 2012

Academic Excellence Award - 2011 Illinois Honor Roll

I am so excited to tell you that I received a letter from Dr. Christopher A. Kock, the State Superintendent of Education.  He explained that we have earned an Academic Excellence Award.  

In order to receive this award, Country Meadows had to meet the following criteria:

  • Schools must have made Adequate Yearly Progress in 2010 and 2011 as required by No Child Left Behind and
  • 90 percent of students must have met or exceeded state standards in both reading and mathematics for the three most recent school years.
You can learn more about this at  

Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement to stop at nothing to ensure growth and success for each student.  We are honored to receive this award and are thrilled to continue to work hard with you to give all students the very best education opportunities!  

Upcoming Principal/Parent Presentations!

In response to your suggestions for Principal/Parent Presentations, we have two upcoming events.  Previously publicized, we will host "Supporting Your Child's Learning at Home" on February 27th at 9:00 a.m. and 6:45 p.m.  We can't wait to see you at one of those presentations!  

We are also excited to host you on the 26th of April for a presentation called, "Understanding Bilingual Education at Country Meadows."  Mark the date on your calendar and stayed tuned as details unfold.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Valentine's Mailgrams!

Beginning February 6th,
The Country Meadows Post Office
will be selling "mailgrams"!  

For a 50 cent donation, 
students can send a "mailgram" 
to anyone in the school
with a special treat attached.
Sales will be occurring before school.   

All proceeds will be donated to
The Lauri Bauer Foundation for Sudden Loss.  
We are thrilled to be supporting this amazing organization.