Help? I'm soliciting your feedback! We are working to more readily communicate with our parents about school specific information. I want to thank you for reading this newsletter each week and ask you to send me an email with ideas on information, format, and length of the newsletter. For example, what are you hoping to read about? What is most meaningful to you? Do you like bulleted lists? Are you more of a narrative reader? It is really important that this newsletter works for you so please, feel free to send me an email with your thoughts and ideas. Thank you so much for your help!
Last week, the newsletter contained a lot of "start of the year" information about our routines and procedures. Check it out if you missed it! This week, I'm trying a more simple list with some upcoming events and conversations to consider with your child.
We had another great week of learning at Country Meadows. Here's what is coming up next week that you'll want to be aware of:
- Monday, September 12th is Picture Day! Smile big!
- MAP Testing in the area of math continues next week. Please check with you child's classroom teacher for the specific schedule.
Over the next few weeks, teachers will begin advertising after-school opportunities for students. Ask your child if he/she has heard about anything new. Also, you can access the forms for clubs and activities on our webpage HERE.
In the near future, be on the lookout for dates and times about these great presentations:
- Lisa Zimmerman will host a 3rd grade math night for parents of Country Meadows to learn math algorithms on September 20th. In the near future, more details on time and location will be coming about:
- Mark your calendar for a presentation called "Understanding Your Child's Report Card" on October 9th.
On our Opening Institute Day, District 96 employees had the privilege of hearing Michael Brandwein speaking about modeling for students. He gave us a list of questions that are amazing to ask young people:
- "What did you (or someone else) do that was hard today (or took confidence or guts)?"
- "What did you (or someone else) do that was new today, or you haven't tried before?"
- "What did you learn that was new about that activity?"
These are just 3 of 30 terrific questions that he gave us. Staff at Country Meadows thought that these are great conversation starters with kids. We hope you enjoy them!
As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!
Have a safe and relaxing weekend! I'll be cheering for a few friends that are completing the Ironman in Madison on Sunday!
My best,
Katie Schneider