September 2, 2011
Highlights from the Week
Curriculum Night was a huge success! The energy in the building was tremendous! Teachers were so excited to share plans for the school year. We know that this is going to be an incredible year. Thank you so much for attending and being so supportive of the fabulous work that happens at Country Meadows!
Cub Crawl was warm but students and teachers had a great time anyway. We danced our way into the gym for an all-school assembly to celebrate the start of the school year and practice behavior expectations! Then, we boogied our way outside to warm up with fun line dances. The students did a wonderful job teaching the teachers how to dance! Finally, the whole school had a great time walking and running a path we created in the back of the school reinforcing that exercise and movement can be enjoyable and fun! I’m sure the students came home tired.
Principal Presentation on District Goals
This year, we will be focusing on:
- Maintaining High Levels of Student Achievement through:
· Implementing new learning targets in the area of literacy with additional clarity, coherence, and rigor.
· Revising our assessments and reports cards to align with these learning targets. This will provide accurate information for parents through a standards based report card.
- Based on feedback from the community we will, Enhance Two-Way Communication with the Community through:
· Sending a weekly email called the Principal Message with building specific information and PTO News.
· Sending a weekly email called E-News 96 with important district information.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
The teachers will continue to learn about your child’s strengths and learning opportunities by administering the Measures for Academic Progress (MAP) assessment in the next two weeks.
- MAP is given to students in grades 1-5 in the areas of reading and math. Teachers use this assessment data, in combination with additional formal and informal measures, to plan for future instruction.
- Please encourage your child to perform his or her best with a great night’s rest and a healthy breakfast.
- Based on feedback, as a new District practice, MAP results will be shared with you in October.
Raptor Security System
As always, your cooperation is greatly appreciated! The security and safety of our students are our first priorities. Last year all of the schools in the District implemented the Raptor Security System. Raptor's V-soft product helps keep unwanted visitors out of the school and tracks those that are allowed inside the building. The process is simple:
- When a visitor checks in at the main office, their driver’s license (or other state issued ID) is scanned.
- The web-based V-soft instantly screens for registered sex offenders through national and state databases.
- When a visitor is cleared, V-soft prints a badge featuring the individual’s name, photo, date, time and destination.
- If you are volunteering in the building for the first time please bring identification and allot additional time to scan your driver’s license.
Parents are encouraged to come and scan their license prior to all school events, such as holiday parties, as this reduces the amount of time that it takes to print badges.
Beginning of the Day Routines
- Student drop off door is opened at 8:10am. We do not have supervision for students prior to that time.
- The drop off door closes at the 8:20 bell, students need to be in their seats, ready to work when the final bell rings at 8:25 or they will be marked tardy.
Notes to the Office
- When sending a note about changes in plans after-school or absences and excused tardies, please include DATE, TEACHERS NAME AND STUDENTS NAME.
The children at Country Meadows really enjoy lunch, as it is an opportunity for them to interact with their peers in a social context. The children have an option to purchase lunch and/or milk using a lunch card. I am very pleased with how well returning students’ remembered our lunch practices. I am also proud of how well our first graders are getting used to eating at school for the first time! While the time allotted for all lunch periods remains the same as in years past, it takes a few days for children to fully implement the routines in a timely manner. I am glad to say that by the end of this week the children were navigating our cafeteria procedures with ease!
· Please note, students will go outside for recess everyday (unless rain and temperatures prohibit) and need to be dressed appropriately.
Parent Pick-up
Please help us maintain and peaceful and orderly pick-up line with no accidents. You can do this by:
- Refraining from using your cell phone since you are in a school zone.
- Wait in line patiently for the cars to move up to pick up your children.
- Students will walk the sidewalk, passed the playground, in order to get picked-up.
- Please do not park in a spot and ask your child to cross the parking lot on his or her own. Accidents can happen fast. If you are in a spot, please leave your vehicle and walk your child while holding his or her hand.
- If you are feeling that you are in the back of the pick-up line, please do not have your child run out of line to jump into your car. The adults are working to closely monitor the children that are getting picked up.
- Above all, please be kind and patient. Routines will become more systematic, moving faster, as we all follow the procedures.
- Thank you so much for your support!
PTO News
Don’t forget that Special Lunch forms (9/2) and dessert day forms (9/9) are due. Click this title for the Country Meadows PTO Newsletter
As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!
My best,
Katie Schneider