If your child is dropped off at school late and needs to enter
through the front door, you need to also come into school to sign your child in
just as if a child were returning from a doctor’s visit. This tells us that you knew where your
student was at that time. Thank you for
working with us to keep track of all students during the school day!
While we are on the subject, I’m going to be the reminder police
Timeliness is extremely important to your child's education.
Please understand that being tardy significantly impacts our building
routines for attendance, lunch-counts, etc. Most importantly, being tardy
impacts student learning. A child coming in late must catch up to the
happenings in the classroom, also causing a disruption for other students.
At Country Meadows, learning begins immediately at 8:25. Please help create respectful habits for your children
by establishing morning routines that assure a timely arrival. Students
should be in our building by 8:20 when the first bell rings to signal our time
to unpack, get settled, and handle communication from home. Our tardy
bell rings at 8:25. Thank you for your support.