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Click here for the weekly PTO newsletter!

Friday, April 27, 2012


To bring in the end of the school year, the whole school is going to be participating in an ABC Countdown!  See below for what your child can expect on each day!  

May  2nd- A: Arts Day! - Have fun in your classroom exploring the arts! 
3rd- B: Beach Day - Dress up like you’re headed on vacation (school appropriate, of course). 
4th- C: Chicago Pride Day – Show your Chicago pride by wearing something for Chicago (for example, Cubs or Sox). 

7th – D:  Data Day – Each classroom will spend part of the day, tracking and graphing data! 
8th- E: Exercise Day- Wear your sweats, warm ups, and gym shoes.  We will be sure to talk about the importance of exercise and being heart healthy.
9th- F: Favorite book- Bring your favorite enjoyable book to school to share with your classmates. 
10th- G: Game Day- Get ready to play a surprise game in the classroom!
11th- H: Hat Day- Wear your favorite hat to school today.

14th- I: “I’m good at” Day – Your teacher will let you know the classroom plan for sharing a strength of each student.
15th- J: Jump Day- Get excited to spend part of the day jumping and hopping at school.  Wait for the adult directions! 
16th- K: Kindness Day– We will all engage in random acts of kindness today.  Compliment your classmates when they go out of their way to be kind to others!
17th- L: Love Day- Your classroom teacher will give you specific directions about how we are going to celebrate love day. 
18th- M: Mustache Day- Come to school with a fake mustache on and/or make one with your teacher in your classroom and wear it for some giggles.

21st- N: No Homework Day- Take the night off!
22nd- O: Opportunity to Move Your Seat Day- Follow the teacher directions with how we will do this.
23rd- Prepare with your Pal – Visit with your Cub Community Pal during the day to prepare for the evening event, Celebrate Learning!
24th- Q: “Quit Doing School Work And”- You’ll have to wait and find out what your teacher has planned for a little break!
25th- R: Reading Rocks Day:  You will get to read with others at Country Meadows, so much fun!

29th- S: Summer Birthday- Wear your favorite summer gear as we celebrate all the special summer birthdays!  Your teacher will give you direction on how we will celebrate. 
30th- T: T-shirt Day- Wear your favorite t-shirt!
31st- U: Unwanted Day- We will begin the cleaning process and send home things from our desks that are unneeded for the rest of the day.
June  1st- V:  uV Day-I  It’s Field Day so make sure you wear lots of uV protection!   

4th- W: Wear USA Day- Wear read, white, and blue to celebrate your patriotism.   
5th- X: X-tra Day- X-tra ___________!  Your teacher will surprise you!
6th- Y: Yearbook Day- Get special autographs from your classmates.
7th- Z: Zero Day- Zero days left of school. Come and say goodbye to a wonderful year at Country Meadows!