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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Parent-Teacher Conferences are November 19th and 20th

Conferences are one of our favorite times of the school year!  We love collaborating with you about your child's progress.  We are looking forward to sharing your child's progress with you so far this year at our upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences to be held Monday, 11/19 from 5-7pm and Tuesday, 11/20 from 2-7pm.  You likely scheduled your conference at Curriculum Night in September.  Your child's teacher will be sending a reminder home with your appointment date and time soon.  We do hope that you will be able to attend conferences in person.  If you cannot, you may request a phone conference with your child's teacher and team members when appropriate.  It is not the expectation of the District for teachers to recreate the conference experience outside the dates/times identified on the District calendar.

The following is the language in Student Parent Handbook:  

8.1 Reporting Student Progress to Parents -   
Parent Conferences

In addition to these regularly scheduled progress reports, the equivalent of three full days are set aside in the school calendar for parent/teacher conferences. One and one-half days are scheduled in the late fall and another one and one-half days are scheduled in the spring.

Since no one report card can fully answer all of the questions parents may have, an individual conference between the teacher and the parents can be of great value in providing a better picture of the child at school and at home. 

If, for any reason, a parent perceives a need to confer with a teacher, the parent need only call the school to make necessary arrangements. The intent of scheduled conference days is to provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to come together to share information in a brief conference–not to replace the opportunity for these same people to come together whenever needed. Should you be unable to schedule a conference during the conference times identified on the school calendar, a parent may request a brief phone conference with the student's teacher and individual team members when appropriate. It is not the expectation of the District that teams re-create the conference experience outside the dates/times identified on the calendar.