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Monday, December 17, 2012

Update on Monday

Hello Parents -

We have started our pajama day at Country Meadows!  When I was outside this morning, the kids were very excited about being comfy in school today and they cannot wait for exercise day tomorrow!

This morning, many staff were available at drop off and in the halls to make a welcoming and reassuring presence for children.  All kids are in their classrooms and learning as I type this.  I would just like to let you know that our plan remains to leave the decision to families when it comes to discussing these events.  At this point in time, we do not plan to initiate conversations with kids about the events in Connecticut.  However, we are here and available for kids to listen and reassure them as well.

Staff met this morning and we practiced conversations with children in the event that the children do initiate conversation.  Our response to children with be empathic, reassuring, and will direct them back to their parents.  I am available as well as our school social worker, Mrs. Bodenheimer, to speak with anyone, adult or child, whenever needed.

I also met today with our School Resource Officer, Janet Freeman, to touch base about our plans in place.  Our head custodian and I met to review our safety plans as well.  Both report that we run a pretty tight ship at CM with very well trained adults and kids.  Many parents have shared that information with me as well.

On the note of parents, I want to personally thank all of the parents that have sent messages of support to me as well as teachers.  Yes, this is hard for our staff as well and your faith in us means the world to all of us.  Thank you, thank you for your kindness and consideration.

Here is a resource that I have shared with staff and you might find helpful.  We also have printed copies available in the main office as well as other literature from this website.

Talking to Children About Violence

I will keep you updated as the week continues.  

My best -
Katie Schneider