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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Country Meadows Students - 
Do you want a warm and fuzzy feeling? Well we have something for you! There is a way to fill your bucket and someone else’s bucket! You can buy a Valentine’s Mailgram and send it to a friend of yours. Starting on Monday, February 4th, the PRO PATROL will sell Valentine Mailgrams in the morning when you get off the bus. Come to the cafeteria to buy them! If you don’t get to school in time, don’t worry! The PRO PATROL will come to your classroom and sell them too! Your teacher will tell you what day the post office will visit! Each mailgram is $0.50. The money will be donated to a very special charity. Attached to the mailgrams will be a surprise! These will be delivered on Valentine’s Day! So… save up your money, fill a bucket, and buy some mailgrams to support a great cause!