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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jump Rope for Heart!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our school is participating in a very special community service program to raise funds for the American Heart Association.  We’re joining the fight against our nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers — cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
On April 16, 2012 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm, we will hold a Jump Rope For Heart event for all third, fourth, and fifth grade students wishing to participate.  These events are held at schools nationwide and not only help students learn about the benefits of regular physical activity and heart health, but they also raise funds to support vital heart and stroke research as well as educational programs.
The American Heart Association is dedicated to helping people live longer, healthier lives.  The money we raise helps people in our community learn how to prevent heart disease and stroke and also helps our local patient care.  Our school will qualify for gift certificates for free physical education equipment based on the amount we raise, and students will qualify for individual thank-you gifts based on the donations they collect.
         Family and friends can support your child’s participation by making contributions. However, we ask that children not go door-to-door or ask strangers for donations. If your child receives any cash donations, please convert those to a check before turning in the collection envelope.  All checks should be made payable to the American Heart AssociationWe would like your child to bring the collection envelope on the date of the Jump Rope for Heart, although no later than Friday April 20, 2012.
To help your child raise money the fun and easy way, you are encouraged to use our online fund-raising tool found at you have completed raising money online, print your child’s online donation report and include it inside the collection envelope.  Refer to the collection envelope for more detailed instructions on how easy online fund raising really is.
         Also, don’t forget to ask your child’s donors if their employers have matching gift programs.  This is an easy way to increase the donations your child collects.  To find out which companies will match donations to the American Heart Association, please visit  All matching gift forms should include your child’s name and school name so the donations can be properly designated.
         Jump Rope For Heart is a fun event that helps our children understand the importance of community service and physical activity while helping to save lives.  Our efforts truly make a difference!

      Please sign the Permission Slip so your child can take part in Jump Rope For Heart.


Mrs. Nihill and Mrs. Smith