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Saturday, March 3, 2012

PAW Winners for the Month of February!

Congratulations to all of the students for a job well done!  

Grade 1:
Alexa Falcon
Kevin Jimenez
Camila Maya
Olivia Steinbrink

Grade 2:
Emilee Bianchi
Nina Belconis
Daniel Cabrales
Tyler Julian
Ava LaCroix
Charlize RIos
Jessica Salgado
Aeddon Woods

Mindy Huang
LIla Miaolo
Cole Maynard
Brenda Ortiz
Cole Pendelton
Rohit Pemmasani
Grade 4:
McCrae Anderson
Dylan Chae
Ellie Chestler
Julissa Garcia
Lupita Jacobo
Keontis Osborne
Zach Taylor
Payton Anderson
J.D. Angelos
Ryan Miller
Madison Rudick
Jay Stegall